Teaching and Service

Teaching and service activities performed over the years.


  1. TPC for Winter Simulation Conference (2023): Member of the Track Program Committee for the “Logistics” track in the WSC 2023.
  2. EJOR Reviewer (2022): Reviewer for the European Journal of Operational Research on the optimization area.
  3. GSAC ISyE in Georgia Tech (2021-2023): One of the four members of the Graduate Student Advisory Commitee in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at Georgia Tech. Our role is to help organizing activities for prospective students such as the visit week, but also to promote our current students’ wellbeing, and share their thoughts with our department leadership.
  4. GSAC CoE Georgia Tech (2021-2023): Council established by all departments in the College of Engineering of Georgia Tech. Each department selects one student to serve as representative, and the role is to meet monthly with the dean and propose/advice on different topics that are of great value for all graduate students in the CoE.
  5. PURA reviewer GaTech (2021): Reviewer for applications towards the President’s Undergraduate Research Award in Georgia Tech. This included the technical evaluation of research projects and proposals from undergraduate students.


  1. TA for Logistics masters’ course ISyE 6203
    • Spring 2022, Thank-a-Teacher recipient.
    • Created study material, homeworks and their grading schemes.
    • Lead weekly hybrid office hours with students.
  2. TA for graduate simulation course ISyE 6644
    • Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, multiple Thank-a-Teacher recipient.
    • Head TA for online and in-campus versions of the course, including masters and Ph.D. students.
  3. Tutor and TA for undergraduate classes
    • Tutor in the tutoring center for ISyE 3133 Optimization course and ISyE 2027 Probability with Applications course.
    • TA at the University of Concepcion, Chile: optimization courses of the Industrial Engineering department.
    • Tutor in Chile for multiple courses such as: calculus, algebra, multivariate statistical analysis, optimization, simulation, among others.