Ignacio Erazo

M.Sc., Ph.D. on Operations Research with a minor in Machine Learning at Georgia Tech.


Amazon's Tower 555

Bellevue, WA.

I am a Research Scientist II working at Amazon Fulfillment Technologies (AFT); my main focus is on creating and deploying new algorithms for large-scale online order planning, picking and execution on state-of-the-art robotic-assisted warehouses.

Before joining Amazon, I got my Ph.D. on Operations Research with a minor in Machine Learning at Georgia Tech, where I worked under the supervision of Prof. Alejandro Toriello and Prof. David Goldsman.

My research interests include the development of efficient optimization algorithms and heuristics for large-scale intelligent decision-making. I am also broadly interested in combinatorial optimization, and hybrid solution methods such as simulation-optimization and optimization enhanced with learning. For an (almost) updated list of research projects please visit the Publications tab.


Jan 29, 2024 I joined Amazon Fulfillment Technologies as a Research Scientist II. Looking forward to advancing the state-of-the-art within robotic-assited picking at Amazon!
Jan 24, 2024 I successfully defended my Ph.D. Thesis today, looking forward to what’s next!
Oct 15, 2023 I will be presenting today my work on Submodular Dispatching with Multiple Vehicles at the INFORMS Annual Meeting during session SD34. The session focuses on modeling, applications, and decomposition techniques, in particular column generation. Feel free to attend!
Jul 26, 2023 I just presented and chaired the “Session 13C: Models for intelligent transportation systems 6” in the Triennial TSL Conference 2023. The quality of submissions for the conference was excellent, looking forward to the next conference!
May 9, 2023 I am proud to announce that I was awarded a NSF travel award to assist to the Triennial TSL Conference 2023. Looking forward to it!
Mar 17, 2023 I am happy to announce that I will be joining Amazon Science at the AFT team this summer as a Research Scientist Intern!
Feb 5, 2023 Our abstract “Submodular Dispatching with Multiple Vehicles” was accepted for presentation in the Second Triennial INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society Conference (TSL Conference 2023), to be held in Chicago. Looking forward to show our research!
Dec 11, 2022 Won the best applied student paper award at WSC 2022!
Dec 9, 2022 I just completed my internship at Amazon. It was an amazing experience, where I learned a lot and could recognize areas of growth. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Sep 5, 2022 I just joined Amazon as an Applied Scientist Intern at Amazon, in Edinburgh’s software development center!
Aug 19, 2022 Today I just finished my internship at Apple. It was such an amazing experience!
May 23, 2022 I joined BPR’s Advanced Analytics team at Apple (Sunnyvale, CA) as an Operations Research Scientist Intern for Summer!
Apr 1, 2022 I successfully defended my research proposal titled “Efficient Two-Sample Bernoulli Confidence Intervals and Submodular Dispatching”. I am a Ph.D. Candidate now!